Auto Insurance
Get a free high-risk car insurance quote if you are 70+, under 21, or have a less-than-perfect driving record.

What Is High-Risk Auto Insurance?
Many people have less than perfect driving records. High-risk insurance, or "Non-Standard" insurance, refers to an auto insurance policy that is given to a high-risk driver. The General® specializes in providing car insurance for high-risk drivers.
More people are categorized as high-risk today than a decade ago; as a result, high-risk auto insurance is much more common.

How do you know if you’re considered a “high-risk” driver?
There are several different ways to determine if you’re in need of high-risk auto insurance:
If you've had your license suspended or revoked and require an SR-22 policy for reinstatement.
The Registry of Motor Vehicles in your state will notify you if you require an SR-22 policy. The General can help you acquire the proper documentation for reinstatement online within minutes.
If you are 70 years old or older.
While some insurers view you as "high risk," The General views you as an experienced driver who deserves an affordable auto insurance policy.
If you are 20 years old or younger.
Again, while other insurers view you as "high-risk," The General believes you deserve a fair auto insurance quote, so we'll work to customize a policy that fits your insurance needs and your budget. We pride ourselves on making high-risk auto insurance painless and easy.
If you have a history of auto accidents or violations.
Other insurers may try to keep you off the road, but The General can give most drivers an auto insurance policy that will keep them insured. We may even offer you discount points over time for keeping a clean record and being a cautious driver.
Get started with an auto insurance policy?
Get a Free Online QuoteDUI/DWI Car Insurance
If you have been convicted of DUI, you know that it can be a long and costly road back to the driver's seat. One thing that doesn't have to cost you an arm and a leg, however, is your post-DUI car insurance. We have helped many drivers convicted of a DUI or DWI find affordable auto insurance. In fact, DUI insurance is a specialty of ours.

We can walk you through the whole SR-22 filing process securely and confidentially. There's no need to fill out reams of paperwork or spend days on the phone waiting to speak with someone. You’ll have DUI car insurance rates in a matter of minutes, right from your computer or mobile device. Or, if you prefer, you can speak with one of our helpful and knowledgeable agents on the phone who can assist you with any questions about DUI car insurance you may have.
Car Insurance for Drivers with Bad Records
If you've been involved in prior traffic accidents, have a history of traffic violations, or been convicted of a DUI/DWI, insurance companies often label you as a “bad driver” and make it very difficult for you to secure affordable high-risk auto insurance. Many insurance companies simply won't take the risk. But The General is different.
We've helped secure car insurance for drivers with less than perfect records for years, enabling them to get back on the road legally and with peace of mind - knowing that should they be involved in another accident, they're covered.
If you thought you were out of options, we'll gladly prove you wrong. Not only is cheap full coverage insurance for bad driving records possible and affordable, it’s also convenient. Right from your computer, you can get a rate quote, sign up for coverage, pay your premium, and even print out your very own proof of insurance card. Affordable car insurance for high-risk drivers has never been so easy!
In other words, you could go from no insurance to driving legally in a matter of minutes. We even allow you to budget your premium into monthly payments if that works better for you. We take our customer service very seriously whether our customers have perfect driving records or not. Find out today how good car insurance for bad drivers can be.
The General Says “Yes” When Others Say “No”
In the past, high-risk auto insurance was difficult to come by and usually so costly that few drivers could afford it. Luckily, The General has helped countless drivers secure affordable high-risk auto insurance. We offer policies to non-standard customers with the same flexible rate plans and outstanding customer service that standard customers receive.
If you've had trouble purchasing high-risk car insurance from other providers, give us a try. Not all insurance companies offer policies to all drivers, but our business is built on giving our customers the coverage they need — even if they have less than perfect driving records, policy lapses, or no prior coverage.
Insurance companies are not required to cover all applicants and therefore many choose not to. In fact, some insurance companies only accept drivers who have been previously insured, are over age 25, under age 70, and have perfect driving records.
But there are millions of us who don't fall into those categories. This is why The General specializes in providing affordable auto insurance to drivers who:
- Have never been insured
- Have had a lapse in their prior coverage
- Have had accidents and/or violations in the past
- Are considered high-risk drivers

We provide affordable high-risk insurance coverage by quoting and selling auto insurance online. Our expenses are lower, so we can afford to pass the savings on to you in the form of low-down payments and low premiums.
Get a FREE, no-commitment high-risk auto insurance quote today in just 2 minutes or less.
Frequently Asked Questions
If you need high-risk auto insurance, you may only need it for 3 to 5 years before the remarks are removed from your driving record. Practice safe driving habits to ensure there aren’t any newly added negative remarks to your record.
If you need high-risk auto insurance, your premium depends on what type of coverage you need and how much of it you need. Speak to one of our agents or get an online quote to see how much high-risk auto insurance may cost for you.
High-risk auto insurance, which may also be known as “Non-Standard” insurance, refers to coverage for non-standard drivers – those who have less-than-stellar driving records or are considered to be in high-risk age groups. At The General, we believe in second chances. We’re here to help get you covered, no matter what your risk.